Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We have been here in Las Vegas for almost a week now to celebrate Thanksgiving with Steven's family. We have been having a great time, and one of my favorite parts is seeing Aubrey with her cousins:
Yes, Aubrey is pulling David's ear, which put a quick end to this photo session...

 Seeing them all together brought back so many memories that I had playing with my cousins growing up. I remember one time we tied up my aunt's entire house in string while our moms went shopping. Oh to be a kid...

We are also super excited for my sister Nicole to have her baby, so Aubrey can have cousins on both sides!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

11 Months

I can't believe that she is almost one!
At 11 months....

She is getting pretty good at walking between furniture and she loves to walk holding a hand. 

Steven calls her our "kamikaze baby" because she has no fear and thinks that she can just walk anywhere... even though she is not quite there yet!
She loves to hang out with her friends and is still my social little girl, but she has finally found some stranger anxiety... mostly afraid of strange men.

She has FINALLY decided that she has an appetite! Life has gotten so much easier now that mealtime is not such a battle.

And 11 months = boundless energy and less sleep. Despite the fact that I am totally not ready for it, she is trying her best to transition to just 1 nap a day. I don't know what I am going to do when she stops napping all together.

She has become great at imitating actions. She "talks" into anything she thinks is a phone, puts her hat on her head, etc.

She gets into everything and is REALLY quick. 
She is a babbler and has down the b, k, g, t, m, d, and f sounds. Mama, dada, and "hi" are the words I THINK she says with meaning, but at this age, it is really hard to tell. 
Even though she isn't even close for weight, she outgrew the length requirements on her car seat. She seems to like her new ride, even though the car is not a favorite place in general:
She is always on the go and I find it hard to get much of anything done. Hence, the complete lack of blogging this past month. 
Can't wait for the holidays and for her birthday!