These little girls of mine are growing up far too quickly. On the one hand, I'm excited about it because I would love a little more time to myself and to have them be a little more independent.
But, seriously... time needs to slow down because they are changing so fast, and I am definitely going to miss these days.
The big news in the house lately is that Aubrey is potty-trained! I *think* that I can say that now. We spent the Memorial Day weekend trying out the three-day-potty training method. Going in, I was skeptical. I have heard so many horror stories about potty-training that I was scared. But, it seems to have worked?
After the first two days of learning, something clicked and she hasn't looked back. We did it completely cold turkey. No pull-ups, no diapers... including naps and nighttime.
I'm still nervous about outings outside of the house because she is terrified of public restrooms, but we are getting there.
She is also talking up a storm... complete adult-like sentences, and is usually very sweet and agreeable. I'm finding two not so terrible... but she was really hard from about eighteen months to two, so I think she got it out of the way early. I've heard that three can also be a nightmare, so I will enjoy this time with my little friend.
She is also quite the little flirt and flashes that smile all the time. We are IN TROUBLE.
Cora is my sweet little angel. She is seriously such a good little baby. She is queen of the 30-minute naps, which is driving me crazy, but other than that I don't have much to complain about.
She sleeps 7:30 pm- 6:30 am.... often without waking up, or she will wake up once. This picture below is a great representation of what she is like now. Those hands are always in her mouth.
She is getting strong, and is starting to be able to sit-up on her own.... She rolls front to back but not back to front. I go back and forth about whether or not she will be an early mover. She is strong, so completely capable. But she is also so chill and mellow and I can see her taking a while to get on the go. I can deal with that considering her crazy sister :)
She loves the bath and swimming... still hates her car seat. Loves to look around and study objects in her hands. She is a great sister and puts up with a lot.
And, just for fun here is a picture of my girls with all of their cousins/grandparents on the Foote side. I think it is hilarious that nobody is looking at the camera... because we were all trying to get them to look. We have been lucky to have some really good pictures taken lately.
Absolutely LOVE that grandbabies picture! And congrats on potty training!
That is an absolutely perfect picture at the very end with all the grandkids!! Im obsessed with it!
Yippy for potty training!!! Can you share with me what you used. My little man did both P's in the toilet all by HIMSELF TODAY. I don't know the first thing and apparently he is ready!!! I need help fast! Can you email me at Haolepinos{@}
Very cute pictures Paige! Aubrey is a doll, I love her little smile! Hope you guys are doing great!
Your family is so sweet! Love it
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