Tonight for FHE, Steven and I had what we have come to call our "Barnes & Noble" date. After a stressful day at work and school, we actually really love to visit the bookstore. Now, we never buy anything. We pretty much consider the bookstore to be like the library with really cushy chairs, nice music, and the books have to stay. I think that this date tradition is pretty funny, because when we arrive it always goes something like this:
Paige- I head straight to the magazine rack and usually pick up a few of these....
Steven: Steven wanders around for awhile and usually ends up reading either some book on computer programming, or most often picks up one of these:
After we have looked at everything, I then usually proceed to spend the next 20 minutes trying to find Steven amongst the tall bookcases and throngs of people. Then, we go home. Our "date" doesn't involve much interaction with each other, but it is still a fun part of our life.
I think that one of my best memories of going to Barnes & Noble is when we accidentally showed up the night of the "Twilight: Breaking Dawn" release party. I've never seen Steven so uncomfortable. While he hid in the corner for a while, I saw the movie preview, gawked at all the teenagers dressed as vampires, and laughed at those of all ages wearing "Team Edward" t-shirts. I guess you never can know what will happen at Barnes & Noble....