The rain, along with Steven having both an ear infection and pink eye, has made our lives definitely less than exciting lately. No pictures of either of us... BUT, I know that Aubrey is way cuter than both of us and I want to remember some of the fun things she is doing now:
She is now three months old and weighs about 11 pounds. Not sure exactly, but she is growing well and chunking up. She has recently decided that she no longer wants to take a pacifier, but I still bring it along everywhere "just in case."
She still loves to sleep and has a little bit of a hard time waking up in the morning...
She is "Miss Independent" and her favorite thing in the entire world is to be held up high so that she can look around everywhere. I can't rock or hold her to calm her down, but this works almost 100% of the time.
She has rolled over a few times. Definitely not consistent and most of the time she gets stuck on her side. But, she is getting stronger, and I am happy that she is developing so well. Developmental delays are always a preemie parents' worry, and there might be some thing we have to work on in the future, but for now, she is doing remarkably well. She is seeming to be on track with even her actual age instead of her adjusted age.
But, most of all she is my sweet, happy girl....
So, I guess even with the rain, I have somebody pretty awesome to keep me company.