Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Weekend of Unemployment

Steven had his exit interview at E & Y on Thursday morning and he started his new job at LinkedIn on Monday. So, we had a nice long weekend of unemployment. We were still pretty tired from all the vacationing we did at Christmas, so we mostly just hung out as a family. But, we couldn't resist a trip to San Francisco. We live by cool stuff and I would feel ungrateful if we didn't experience all that cool stuff!

We have tried 2 other times to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge, but it never happened. However, this time was a success!

We had a lot of fun. Our experience in three words would probably be: windy, exercise, and crowded. There we so many people. And lots of bikes. A lot of people that don't know how to ride bikes. But, it was great, and Aubrey was happy the entire time. Even with the wind blowing in her face like crazy.
We went to a park after and the only thing that Aubrey wanted to do was walk up and down these stairs. Over and over and over. We had to take turns because really... there were only so many times I thought that was interesting.

Now our days of vacations are over and Steven is back to work. So far, both he and I are loving it. 

I'm mostly loving that he eats both breakfast and lunch at work and so I only have to feed him dinner. This might mean I can slip a few more clothes for me/Steven/Aubrey into the cart at Target and still meet my "grocery" budget :)


Stephanie Mauger said...

I totally do that same thing too with my budget!! I love when we come underbudget for the 'gas' category or 'food' category because that means more crafts/clothes!


lol...I love sneaking things in too. Cory always catches me though...but still it's hard to resist clearance items.