Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter & More...

Happy Easter from the Foote Family! We love this time of year and feel very grateful to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. We started trying to incorporate some teaching and spiritual traditions this Easter. We will keep working on it. I think the part that Aubrey understood was "Jesus loves you." 

My cute little girls got all dolled up for Easter in their matching dresses. I LOVE having two little girls and will continue to match them until they won't let me.

 Granted, 99% of the pictures looked like this, but I'm happy we got the one cute shot above.

They started off their morning opening up their Easter baskets and gifts. Cora had a basket too, but you can't see it in this picture. This picture cracks me up because Aubrey's bangs are out of control. We are trying to grow them out and make sure to keep them out of her face each day, but they can be crazy left untamed. 

Aubrey got three Easter egg hunts this weekend. One at gymnastics, one at her friends birthday party, and one at home. Today, after cleaning all of the chocolate out of another Easter egg, she looks up and says, "I'm happy!" Oh dear.... she has my sugar weakness.

This picture was last Sunday, but I loved finally getting a decent mother/daughter picture with Cora:

And... here is Aubrey's latest way to use stickers. 5 minutes alone can mean a lot of things with this girl.

I am having fun with these girls being almost exactly 2 years apart. It makes it easy to look back and see where we were two years ago....

Aubrey Easter
& Blessing 2011

Cora Easter

I think that they look a lot alike. Both have those chubby little cheeks that I get to kiss all day!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Daily Life

Cora is over two months old, and I'm finally getting into a routine/daily life alone with the girls. I was blessed to have so much help... between both sets of grandparents, moving, Steven's paternity leave, etc.... we are now finally just living everyday life with Steven at work and me at home.

And... so far, it has not been as bad or stressful as I thought! I just have really good girls... I was so scared, but it is amazing how you just adapt and life goes on. Going out with both is still completely crazy... but that will hopefully get easier when Cora doesn't have to eat so often.

 Here is what we have been up to:

My sister came to visit for a couple of days. Aubrey loved playing with her cousin. This was sadly our best attempt at getting a photo of all three of the cousins. A 2 year old, 1 year old, and new baby do not photograph well together.

 Cousin bubble bath fun.

 Come back soon! Aubrey is still asking for "Tole... aka Nicole."

 We have been loving having a backyard. Aubrey got a new bike. She wouldn't be a Foote without a bike! Cora and I enjoy sitting in the sun watching Aubrey run wild.

The girls are officially sharing a bedroom, and it has been fine so far. Cora gets up once or twice a night (usually once) and Aubrey has slept through it all. I miss having Cora right beside me, but I think we are all sleeping better now.

 Aubrey continues not to nap. A couple days ago, I found this after I got her out of "naptime." I asked her why she didn't take a nap. She told me that she read her babies scriptures and they took a nap instead. Sigh. At least she is learning something good, right?
 My little monkey is taking a gymnastics class. She LOVES it. Her face here says it all. She is a wild one for sure, so gymnastics is perfect for her.
Cora continues to be a joy. She loves to smile, coo, stand on my lap, sleep, eat, and do tummy time. She hates to be left alone, her carseat, and when her sister screams too loud.

She is growing up WAY too fast... it seems like it is going even faster than with Aubrey. I'm trying to enjoy every minute, because I will definitely miss these baby days.

I thought Aubrey was a pretty good baby... but I didn't really know what a good baby was until I had Cora. She is my chunky, sweet, loving little girl.

 And.... that is life right now! Steven and I are here too. I guess we should get some pictures with us in them!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oh Aubrey....

I try to be good at recording our lives, but I have been terrible about writing down the funny things that this little girl says. She has quite the personality and sense of humor.

Naptime has turned into Aubrey play time and naps only seem to happen about 3 days a week. Way sad for me. But, I moved our video monitor so we can watch what she does while she "naps" and it is hilarious. She watches herself dance in the mirror, shakes her hips, jumps off her bed, has conversations with herself, does summersaults... and gets into trouble.

One day after her "nap" I got Aubrey a snack and went in to her room to clean up. She had climbed up and gotten into our giant bag of baby wipes and pulled out EVERY single one of them. Hundreds. I come out and say, "Aubrey!" in my best serious voice. She looks up at me and says, "The wipes mom?" Arggg.... :)

I came in and found her like this on the bed. When I asked her what she was doing she said, "Mom, I'm feeding my baby with my tummy." Then she ran away about two seconds later and I hear Steven laughing in the other room. Apparently she ran in and told him that it was time for her to "pump."

Oh dear! Two year olds pick up on so much...

I bathe both girls together which can be quite the circus act because Aubrey is a little wild and Cora is still not sure how she feels about baths. Other than being a little too aggressive in her love, Aubrey is a great big sister.

She is so funny. She has had no problems adjusting to having a new sister, having both grandmas come and go, moving to a new place... she adjusts very well to the "big" changes.

But.... leaving the park, getting in the car, end of a tv show... the "little" changes can leave her in tears. I actually often have a hard time not laughing that she can be so passionate about something to throw such a fit.

We love our Aubrey. I love being a mom to these little girls.