Thursday, October 30, 2014


Aubrey is in a little soccer league with a bunch of friends and I am the coach. I played soccer all growing up and on a few intramural leagues at BYU. I definitely love the game and I have had fun watching Aubrey learn about it herself.

However, soccer for three-year-olds is something else! We have to talk a lot about how when somebody else takes the ball from you it is just part of the game. There have been a lot of tears.

But, Aubrey loves it, and I think that the other kids like it too. Sometimes by the end of the game, I only have one or two kids left on the field, but they all perk up again when it is snack time :)

Cora is my helper and loves to try and kick the ball like the big kids. I love these girls, and I'm so grateful I get to stay home with them and watch them grow and experience new things.

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