Dave rode with Aubrey on her bike to preschool. Aubrey was so proud and excited to have her grandpa with her.
Steven's parents made it in time for Aubrey's last soccer game and we had a great night celebrating.
I didn't take any pictures, but we had a great day back in Monteray at the aquarium. And, we were so excited to spend time with Steven's parents since they have been gone on a mission in Germany.
Aubrey wouldn't let go of my mom when she showed up. When we picked her up at preschool, she was standing at the fence just waiting to see Grandma. It was pretty cute.
Shopping. Of course. Most of the shopping was fun. The 7 trips we made to the grocery store for various things needed for Thanksgiving was a little less than fun. Especially the last trip we made.
We spent the Wednesday before Thanksgiving cooking and we were down to prepping the sweet potatoes. I accidentally turned on the back burner (which was holding a newly made apple pie in a glass dish) instead of the front burner. The pie exploded over the entire kitchen and we had to stay up late making another. Yikes.
I'm glad we did most of the cooking Wednesday because Thanksgiving was so much fun. We all did the Silicon Valley Turkey Trot. Steven and I ran PR's in the 10k, and the kids did a fun run with grandma. Definitely a Foote family tradition now because running, napping, and eating was a pretty great way to spend the day.
Steven (he beat me by 2 seconds) and I finished 1262/7886 10k runners. I was 300/3941 women. Coming in 300th place doesn't sound very good, but I'll take top 10%. We have been working hard and it is rewarding to see our speed increase. We still have a long way to go. Some people run so fast! We spent the entire course weaving around people which was tiring, but it was fun to run in such a big race.
The girls made our Thanksgiving centerpieces, including the candle.
We decorated the tree and put up the Christmas lights. Let's hope Cora doesn't break too many ornaments this year. Her nickname is "Cora the Destroyer."
We also had the girls birthday party, went swimming in hotel pools, fun at bounce houses, park days, and so many other things. Whew. We had fun, and I loved having so many other people around. Between both grandma's I hardly had to change any diapers :) I'm dreading the goodbye tomorrow and the grumpy kids that will follow, but it was all worth it!