Sunday, June 14, 2015

Hot and Cold

Steven had his birthday on Wednesday. I can't believe that he is 29 (and me soon too). Yikes. We better have a lot of fun this year because we are then officially old and in our 30's.

The morning of his birthday we went for a run, and when we came home the girls had hidden all his gifts around the house. They played, "Hot and Cold" for him to find them, and were quite excited. Hot and cold is how I would describe our days here in Calgary. Some days are so nice and warm, and then some are so cold and rainy!

We sure love the birthday boy. 

On the warm days we have...

Done a garage sale and the girls ran a lemonade stand. They worked really hard and I was proud of them. They spent the week helping us bake cookies, package the candy, and make the signs. They made $37 which I thought was pretty good!

Spent an afternoon at Spruce Meadows watching the horse jumping. Both girls got pony rides and Aubrey spent the day asking for a pony.

Gone to the lake many times and taken rides on the boat. My parents just got a paddle board, so we are excited to try that once this round of rain stops.

Jumped in the lake.. This picture of Steven and Trent is pretty good.

And, yes, even I did too. We actually swam across the lake and back last week. I beat both Trent and Steven :)

On the cold and rainy days...

We went to the Stamps game. It was pretty cold and it was way past their bedtime, but the girls did great. They cheered and clapped for the "red team." Since my earliest days, we have been going to football games and I'm glad my kids like it too.

Their favorite part was definitely visiting Papa up in the press boxes at halftime. My dad is still the color commentator on the radio, so we get a few perks.

When they drive me crazy, I turn on a show. I'm glad they are friends.

And, Steven is great at finding ways to help this little girl burn off her endless amounts of energy.

We have been getting together with my friends from high school and their kids quite a bit. My girls love it, and I love that even after ten years, we all still get along great.

Another cold rainy day was spent at Calloway Park, but no amount of rain can stop their love of rides. The wilder the better. 

We are definitely enjoying our last few weeks here in Calgary. Steven is actually on his way back to the Bay Area for work this whole week. I have gotten quite used to having him home all the time. We are really spoiled, so I'll take a few weeks of travel a year to have him around the rest of the time!

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