Friday, August 28, 2015

Rest of Canada

It has been over two months since I blogged. I know that personal blogs are no longer a "thing" but I love having a record of our life with pictures, so I'm going to try and catch up. It has been two months because things have just been crazy. We moved into our new house and have spent almost all of our spare time moving in and working on projects.

But, first... the rest of our time in Canada!
We went to the Stampede. Calgary summers = stampede, and I was so glad that we were able to take the girls. It was a hot day, and we all had a great time.

The girls were pretty excited about their pink cowboy hats.

Face painting, animals, dressing up, dog show, BMX show, Buckaroos, and lots of mini donuts. 

We celebrated my 29th birthday a few days early. Ice cream cake is my favorite. 

The other part of my summers growing up was swimming in my grandparent's pool. The girls really enjoyed it... especially when uncle Trent was around to throw them in the air.

We went out on the lake almost daily. Steven took advantage of working from home and did paddle board rides on his lunch hour. We swam across probably 4 or 5 times too. 

This girl lost her first (and second!) tooth while we were there. I can't believe how fast she is growing up.

My mom was great and took us on many different outings. Here we are at the Telus Spark science center. I love Cora's face when we were supposed to be acting like "a winner."

Calgary has some pretty incredible sunsets. It didn't get dark until after 10 pm... so my normally early riser kids were going to sleep super late and sleeping in. Aubrey even slept in until 10 am one day. That is definitely a record. 

And... one of my favorite pictures of my dad with the girls. We had a fun Canada Day celebrating our heritage.

I'm so grateful for my parents and Steven's parents who let us live with them while our house was being built. I know it wasn't always easy for them, but we made so many great memories!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys have the cutest girls, looks like they have had an amazing time! I especially love the pink cowboy hats. Looks like they're pretty comfortable on and in the water too which is so important growing up. My mom made me do swimming lessons for years which I definitely didn't appreciate until later on, but am so thankful for it now!

Jeannette Lewis @ Welcome Pack Canada