Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our Little Aubrey

This morning we received the best early Christmas gift you could ever want. Our sweet baby girl, Aubrey Paige Foote was born at 5:15 am. She was 4 lbs 9 oz and 18.5 inches long. Despite being 5.5 weeks early, she is doing great, and will just require a few week stay in the NICU to grow and get stronger. Here is her story.....

Steven and I get kicked out of our Wymount apartment tomorrow (Monday.... yes we still have to move) because Steven just graduated Thursday. So we spent most of the day on Saturday packing up boxes with Jeremy and Kedra. I just pretty much "directed" everybody else's packing while laying there because being 8 months pregnant I was trying to take it easy.

After packing, we went out for dinner to the Pizza Pie Cafe with Jeremy and Kedra since we have no food left in our kitchen. We finished dinner around 6:00. I went home, showered, and was just getting settled in for a night on the couch in my pajamas, when whoosh...... the biggest shock of my life. My water broke. Having not even had a single braxton hicks contraction or anything, I literally was in complete shock.

We had no hospital bag packed. Nothing. So, I grabbed my purse and a towel since my water was still gushing and we headed to hospital arriving at about 7:25 pm. The doctor and nurse came in and said that 34 weekers do as well long-term as full-term infants and since I was already dilating and almost completely effaced, this baby was coming.... and coming tonight.

I got an epidural at about 10 and things started moving pretty good. The only problem with the epidural is that I just don't seem to "freeze" like most people do. Last May when I got a cavity at the dentist, I needed 6 shots to freeze instead of the usual 2. This is pretty much how things went with the epidural. Even though it took the edge off the pain, I could still feel a lot and by the end it completely wasn't working and I felt everything. Labor is painful.

I started pushing at 3:00 and after two hours of pushing, our little Aubrey was born. I am a little scared for future babies because it took me two hours to push her out and she was not quite 5 pounds. Yikes. I always knew I didn't have great birthing hips.

She came out crying and scored a 9 on her APGAR test, which is great even for a full-term infant. Steven was a champ through everything. He was my labor coach, he cut the cord, and he got to be with our little girl the whole time since they rushed her to the NICU away from me right after she was born.

She has been doing great in the NICU, is breathing completely on her own, and pretty much just needs to get bigger. The NICU nurses said that she is at the stage of most 35 to 36 weekers, which makes sense to me since my doctors moved my due date back 10 days at the beginning and so it is quite possible she was further along than we thought.

We love her so much and she is just the sweetest, most adorable little girl. Things still feel completely surreal, but life is definitely sweeter now that our little Aubrey is here.


Shannon said...

She's so cute and you all look great. Thanks for posting pictures. Good luck with everything! Do you need help getting the last of your moving done? Call if we can help in any way.

pam said...

holy smokes...i feel like you were telling MY baby story!
i will keep my fingers crossed that aubrey gets out of the NICU sooner. but, until then, enjoy getting a full nights rest and only having to change half the diapers!
congrats paige. she is very sweet!

Amelia said...

Oh my goodness, what a story! She is so adorable, I love that first picture. Congratulations!!

Jenny said...

She looks great and is beautiful! Crazy story but congratulations!

Jeremy, Lana, Brenna ,Mason, Owen and Sadie said...

Paige!! She is absolutely perfect! She's such a pretty baby! Not all babies look cute right away, but she looks adorable! Congratulations! I'm so glad she's doing amazing, and I'm excited for you!

HolliJo said...

Congratulations! Thanks for posting pictures and the story. Glad everything is ok and that she is doing well. She is super adorable! How are you feeling?! Good luck these next few weeks!!

Brice and Fallon said...

I am seriously thrilled for you! I cant wait to meet your little beana!
She is so beautiful!
Call me if you need anything please!!!!!!!!!!

Cami! said...

Congratulations! She is so cute!

Nicole said...

She is so beautiful! I can't wait to meet her!

Sam and Lacey said...

She is gorgeous. She will be out of there before you know it. Just an FYI they always tell you longer than it really will be. Ali came home at 4lbs 4 oz. Hang in there. Congrats. You are going to be the best mom ever.

Kaitlin said...

She is adorable! And so tiny! Congratulations.

Lauren {} said...

Congratulations! So cute and love the name! Does this mean you're going to be moving out with Steven? Let me know when you're getting in so I can help!

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness, she is GORGEOUS!!! So glad she is doing so well! Lauren and I went to lunch yesterday and were talking about how excited we are for you to come out. We were also talking about how Aubrey is already a good little tax planner. Most gorgeous tax deduction/credit ever. Congratulations!!!


Paige! What great news. I am glad everything is going well. (Labour is so painful...I hate when the epidural doesn't work properly) but you made it and you will forget the pain. CONGRATULATIONS. Keep us posted!

Rachel said...

oh wow! well if there is anyting I can do to help with feeing i have soem ideas! It can be a challnge when they are born a little early as far as BF goes so let me know how i can help!

Leta-Kaye said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations! You can tell even from the pictures what a sweetheart she is! Good work!