Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rainy days of March

Aubrey is slightly obsessed with electronics. Seriously.... she is driving me crazy. If she sees a phone, camera, computer, or anything like it she thinks that she just has to have it! I have to do an "electronics check" before getting her up in the morning and from naps to make sure everything is put away to avoid as many freak outs as possible.

Anyways... we had an old camera that I gave to her to try and help keep our real electronics safe. She loves it and is quite hilarious with it. Besides taking beautiful shots like these...

she is such a ham. She turns on the camera, then hands it to me and gives a big cheesy smile so I can take her picture. She is so funny!
Here are a couple more favorites from the past week:

They are definitely my favorite people in the whole world. 

Life has been pretty low-key the past couple of weeks. Aubrey got a version of hand foot and mouth disease (ick!), and the weather has just been dreary and raining. March is definitely the worst month weather-wise in the Bay Area and I'm looking forward to the sun and fun that April will bring. 

1 comment:

pam said...

chet got that hand foot mouth thing from sikome lake last summer. haha not shocking at all! that place isn't exactly the cleanest lake. hope aubrey is better now. she sure looks like you. that is so fun!