Friday, June 10, 2011


So, today is Steven's birthday. Happy Birthday! I will blog about his birthday tomorrow hopefully once all the festivities are complete. But Aubrey is being quite the character today and so I just couldn't help but share some pictures since I want to remember all the funny things she does.

Plus, my mom told me that she keeps checking our blog and that I have been failing in the update department lately. So, here mom, just for you.

This morning, we had to be out of the house and I had quite a few things that I needed to do before then. Of course, that means that Aubrey decided that she was going to full on hysterically cry for an hour. She never does that.

Anyways, even after I got her to sleep she kept waking up and crying anytime I tried to leave. So, I slowly inched away and left my shirt with her so I could quickly get dressed. Her peacefully sleeping made me instantly forget the cry-fest she had just been through.
She likes tummy time and has been rolling over for a while. But, she has recently decided that rolling over is so much fun, and it is getting hard to keep her on her belly. Except.... when she tries to roll and forgets that she has an arm. That doesn't look too comfortable!
And, she is getting better at sitting up by herself. I definitely wouldn't say that she is sitting, but she can stay usually long enough for me to snap a picture before toppling over.
Oh, she is a joy.

1 comment:

Melanie Howe said...

She is SO cute Paige - I hope you guys are enjoying life in California!